Thursday, December 9, 2010

jumping off trucks

Non-spoiler alert: That title is probably way more exciting than this entry is going to be. Sorry.

So last week, in order to avoid my semi-daily run, which takes quite an impressive amount of motivation on my part, I decided to go for a little hikey-hike. Why not? So many beautiful options at a hop or a skip away. Or jump, which is what I decided to to start off my Walk. Unfortunately, using the 10 second timer to capture your magnificent jump off your car is somewhat more difficult than I anticipated. It took me six tries before I got this, which I deemed Good Enough:

After rearranging all my other attmepts, however, I decided that a kind of fun collage could be made, which I will here attach, for your viewing pleasure.

And yes, in case you were wondering, I am wearing a cowboy hat, and yes, I think your tractor's sexy.*

I also took some leaf pictures and sky pictures and life+sky pictures. The sky was very blue...And here is a nice little slightly-enhanced (a phrase which here means, "digitally saturized") picture of some of those leaves.

And here some trees+sky. The color contrast was spectacular.

And then I ran into snow, a few miles up the trail, and promptly turned around. (Are you surprised?)

So there you have it, my Walk in pictures. I was hoping to see some Wild Animals, but alas, a squirrel near the trail head was my only sighting. Perhaps there were none around, or I am too loud and scared them away, or, perhaaaps...they were there, and saw me, but I never saw them...dundundun.

*If that was not funny to you/you didn't understand it, be proud.

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